Dataset & Data Services Inventory

Datasets & Data Services Inventory

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High Priority Datasets Inventory

Based on comprehensive information provided by the 16 GREAT reference use cases and initiatives (RUCI), the final high priority datasets inventory, developed and provided in a spreadsheet, contains 94 specific datasets.

These are required datasets for the achievement of the RUCI’s objectives, while several of them are data products that they provide for reuse.






High Priority Data Services Inventory

The high priority data services inventory presents a list of 406 Green Deal relevant data services, catalogues, and portals, prioritised and sorted based on certain prioritisation criteria. It contains data services, catalogues and portals from a variety of data providers, spatial levels and and types of access endpoint. While the outcome of the overall prioritisation process, as conducted by GREAT project members, offers insights into which services hold the highest priority for the GREAT RUCIs, it should not be construed as a definitive judgment on the usability of individual services. This project advocates for the prioritisation of the data services based on scores assigned across various criteria, depending on the specific informational requirements.