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Are you a stakeholder in the Zero Pollution domain? Are you interested to know more about Data Spaces and their role in digital transformation and how you can contribute to the Green Deal Data Space? 


The GREAT | Green Deal Data Space project is eager to invite you to the third Stakeholder Forum, focused on Zero Pollution, which will take place on the 4th of December at 14:00 CET on Zoom.

On this occasion, you will have the chance to participate in the discussion with our community and the data space-domain experts to help us shape the vision of the future European Green Deal Data Space.

In our project, we are focusing on three strategic policy areas: biodiversity, zero pollution, and climate adaptation. Zero pollution is a policy area that encompasses many different domains – urban policy, emissions monitoring, health policy, and much more. The EU’s Zero Pollution Action Plan encompasses ten different policy areas, which presents a challenge. There are still significant gaps, including difficulties combining not easily comparable data stemming from different scientific sources or projects, into an integrated picture that encompasses all these policy areas under the Action Plan. Addressing these difficulties will require a collaborative effort between member states, researchers, the private sector, and NGOs. The Zero Pollution Stakeholder Forum will try to further address existing challenges, as the Green Deal Data Space can act as a critical enabler to collect, integrate, and disseminate pollution-related data, and support EU Green Deal objectives in curbing pollution.

Preliminary agenda:

14:00-14:05 Welcome & opening
14:05-14:30 Presentations from GREAT Reference Use Cases & Initiatives
14:30-15:30 Discussion panel
15:30-16:10 Breakout rooms session
16:10-16:30 Roadmap toward the Green Deal Data Space

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